Mega Battle Report - Red Dusk

The following report details Red Dusk, a demonstration game played on day two of Call to Arms (2018) designed to showcase the Team Yankee in the 6mm scale. The day one battle report can be found here. The game featured 4 players, each playing a different nation with a force of 100 points. 

This game used the same table set-up as Red Dawn, but we played across the opposite table-length.  Here's the table before hostilities commenced.

The table before hostilities commence

Story: It’s afternoon of 15 August, 1985 and as fresh troops from the United States and United Kingdom pour into Europe as part of operation Reforger, the Warsaw Pact’s initial attack has been blunted. Seizing the initiative, NATO mounts a counter offensive, driving the Warsaw Pact forces back. 

Desperate to regain momentum once more and consolidate their gains the Warsaw Pact considers the unthinkable, a tactical nuclear strike against NATO forces, which risks escalating a primarily conventional conflict into a nuclear exchange and plunge the world into the depths of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). 

Mobile Scud missile launchers, armed with nuclear warheads, have been brought forward into the Hanover region to target NATO troop concentrations and re-supply sites. However, the speed of the NATO counter offensive has caught the Warsaw Pact by surprise, and a desperate battle is now fought to prevent these weapons from falling into enemy hands.

  • Chieftain Armoured Squadron - 2x platoons of three tanks with HQ element of two tanks Lynx Airmobile Company - 2x full Lynx Airmobile platoons 
  • Medium Recce Squadron - 1 x Scimitar troop, 2x Scorpion troop 
  • M109 Field Battery + FV432 observer 
  • Tracked Rapier SAM Section
  • Mechanised Combat Team - M1 Abrams Platoon, Heavy Mortars, Anti-Tank and Scouts 
  • M60 Patton Combat Team - - M60 Patton Platoon
  • Stinger SAM Platoon 
  • M90 Field Artillery Battery 
  • UH-1 Huey Rifle Platoon (x2)
  • AH-1 Cobra Platoon


  • T-64 Tank battalion - 2x platoons of four tanks equipped with Songster Missiles and an HQ element. 
  • BMP Motor Rifle battalion - 1x BMP1 platoon and 1x BMP2 platoon 
  • T-64 Tank company - 5 tanks 
  • Air Assault Battalion - 2x Air Assault companies and 1x Hind Assault Helicopter Company ZSU-23-4 Shilka platoon
  • SA-9 Gaskin platoon 
  • Spandrel anti-tank platoon 
  • BMP-1 Recon Platoon 
  • S23 Acacia Heavy SP Howitzer Battery


  • T-72M Panzer Bataillon - 2x T72M companies of six tanks with HQ element of one tanks
  • 2x BRDM-2 Aufklarungs Zug
  • 2x SA-9 Gaskin Flak Zug
  • 2x Spandrel Panzerabwehr Zug
  • 1x ZSU-23-4 Shilka Flak Zug
  • BTR-60 Mot-Schutzen Bataillon - 2x mid Mot-Schutzen Kompanies
  • 2S1 Carnation Artillerie Batterie + BMP-1 Observer
Warsaw Pact Reserves
Scenario: We used the No Retreat scenario from the More Missions document, using the Scud launchers as the objectives.

Report: The forces of the Warsaw Pact dig in infantry around the two objectives. In the open fields near the bridge two companies of East German infantry surround the Scud launcher with a ring of RPG's and Sagger missiles, backed by their BTR60 transports.

East German troops surround a Scud Launcher objective

Soviet soldiers use the small farming town as cover, concealing BMP2's and T64 tanks amidst hedges and fences, screened by a line of dug-in infantry.
Soviet troops concealed in the small farming town

Behind the initial line of defence, hardened Afghansty veterans dig in amidst wheat fields, protecting the second Scud launcher and Warsaw Pact artillery.

Afghansty veterans shun the comforts of the manor house for the wheat fields

The American and British tanks muster to attack at night, trusting that their superior thermal imaging will give them advantage against the Soviet defenders. The heavy tanks screen light tanks and armoured personnel carriers. Meanwhile Cobra gunships hover overhead.

The British and US forces concentrate their attack against the Soviets
The British and Americans advance cautiously, firing at the concealed Russian targets before firing smoke to make any return fire from the Russians or East Germans extremely difficult.

British Chieftains advance behind a smoke bombardment
US armour utilise their superior thermal imaging technology

A second smoke bombardment shields the advance of Scorpion light tanks
Initially the plan works well, but as the US armour reaches the Russian position a salvo of anti-tank missiles claims the M1 Abrams platoon.  Undeterred the mechanised infantry dismount and mount an assault on the dug-in Russian infantry.
Russian missiles have taken a heavy toll on the attacking tanks
The American assault is repulsed, but the American's continue to press the attack, with Cobra gunships picking off a platoon of T72M tanks that had been waiting to Ambush the American armour.
US infantry launch an assault as Cobra gunships provide cover
Now the second phase of the US and British assault kicks-in as Huey and Lynx transport helicopters fly low over the battlefield and land near the Manor House.  A final smoke bombardment and the cover of night cover their approach, and only one Huey is shot down by the startled defenders.

A daring helicopter landing behind enemy lines 
Realising the true objective of their enemies, the Russians and East Germans rush to reposition their units to defend the Scud launcher near the Manor House. Defensive fire pins the American infantry but two platoons of British infantry sprint into the Manor House and prepare to attack.
Carnage in the Manor House as the British suffer heavy losses
Blistering fire from the dug-in Soviet troops decimates the brave British airborne troops and they are all but wiped out.
Russian and East German reinforcements pour into the area around the Manor House
The Russian and East German forces clear away the last enemy troops around the Scud launcher and claim victory!

Russian MVP:
My MVP is my BMP 2 Motor Rifle Company. Day 1 it took the bridge, and Day 2 it bravely held up the NATO armoured fist.

East German MVP: On day two it was the humble BTR 60 that helped to pin the US troops and that, when deployed in strength dissuaded the enemy from attacking my objective.

British MVP: On day 2 my Chieftains were invaluable in the full assault.  Their armour held off everything and they destroyed bmps and tanks with every salvo. A Scorpions unit were also very active but in the end that was just a sideshow.  The Rapiers were also particularly effective in that battle after being repositioned.  Tough choice but I’d have to say the rapiers. Their cover kept the doomed infantry and their helicopters alive longer. 

US MVP: I had the most fun with the AH1 Cobras.  Can engage at range.  Hard to hit before they fire with hunter killer and mobile.
Scenery and models featured in this report
Tanks, Aircraft and Infantry - GHQ Models
Farms and church - GHQ Models
Town and industrial buildings - Leven Miniatures
Roads - Total Battle Miniatures
Rivers, Bridges, Trees, Fields - Time Cast Models
Game Mat - Deep Cut Studio
